I watched this today. I have very mixed views.
Do ya we are moving into a post-national-society? There will always be a mass in England that votes every so often, that watches certain things more on TV than other things, and that come together to fight common enemies (whatever that means). But I think society is becoming more and more closed to things like 'Gaming Society' or 'LGBT' something that unites people together intentionally not 'just is'. Other than that we act accordingly to what we want or need as individuals. I don't breathe because as a society we need to be over-populated - I breathe because I value my life. You don't buy Vivienne Westwood because society tells/influences you to, you buy it to either feel good about yourself, enjoy the label or item or to look for attention from those you know and those you don't e.g. walking in the street and someone notices it, maybe even a friend has recommended or you possibly want to be your friend I dunno. You can't fight for a 'better society' just a better way of living but even that is subjective, what is a better way of living and when does it stop getting any better?
But saying that we are still bound by national voting and global economics etc things that as a nation brings us together (arguably) but undoubtedly we are separating ourselves and being ourselves and doing what we want with whoever we want more than ever there's so much diversity in the air that what is seen as socially acceptable is only subject to the law and the ever dissolving theme of 'area and situation' - Susan Boyle for example a diagnosed nutcase winning over America and the Western countries. I don't know if that makes sense, let me know how I can word that better if you want and I'll add (not replace) it in. Extreme Post-Structuralists say you can't assume anything because we don't live eachother's lives and they way we perceive and decode are totally different (in most cases). I can imagine a few people think this is a load of tosh...I probably think yours is a load of shit too :)
I need a new iPod and to stop indulging in Post Secret in my spare time so much.