My halls Internet is shite at the moment, so I'm writing this blog early
Haven't been able to write for a few days 'cause our halls Internet is THAT BAD but I've been a little busy anyway and I was so fucked last night I forgot my pin so I have no money - and no food either, can't walk into a bank because I lost me bloody drivers license. Spell checked 2 times.
Watched Extras Christmas Special with a mate the best bit about it was this.
It's so true on so many levels.
So there are many views on what reality is. Some people think that reality is representative, as in what you see is a representation (or an idea) of what is there, a 'veal of perception' coined by Descartes and other leading philosophers, the problem with that is that your brain must consciously be perceiving and idea(ring) things all the time, what if I'm asleep or high? Lot of work I think, are people with problematic brains blind? Or have a different perception of something that is an idea of something, which is distorted but is essentially their personal perception thus distortion is just a different perception of the same thing to mine and neither are wrong or right. Maybe what we see is what we are seeing right there and then, no veal just reality. No-one subconsciously has thought otherwise 'naive realism' or 'conscious realism' as they are also known as. However a criticism is that rainbows are deceptive, do rainbows deceive children or create a feeling of happiness? Maybe that's the problem, that from a young age we are deceived into believing things that aren't really there but because they keep us happy or whatever we continue to be deceived. Maybe I'm hinting a bit too much HAHA