This post is pretty early but I can just edit later if needs must.
Just a quick note on the people who may read this and not know me personally:
I've done more pills, acid, mdma, and ket than you're whole family and the worst state I've ever been in was when I cut my thumb and thought I was swimming in a bathtub with no water, then went downstairs of this session and lay on the sofa in front of two 2 club sized speakers and monged out. The best trip I've ever had was with one of my best mates in Jesmond when she thought she was tattoo'd to the floor and the trees were closing in on her while I thought the sky was a spaceship and her dog was god. I've done DJ Hype sober and had a better time than most. The best club I've ever been to is Tall Trees. I'm not posting to represent gays, gingers, 'neuro-diverse', muscly men, teenagers - or any minority just myself and hopefully this little paragraph helps.
Anyway, so today music, films and art is on my hit-list, starting with art. I'm not really into art. But I prefer to look at things like this, this, and this. Probably more because of the way they have interpreted things rather than what they actually are. I get annoyed at some art because it just doesn't express anything or I don't understand like a photo of something usual like a path or just a clear blue sky. I don't see that as art because what it is is what it is but not in that 2D picture.
Films is a very big and broad area haha but Lion King, Leon, 300, Gladiator, Star Wars, X-Men, I Am Legend, Sixth Sense, This Is England, and Pokemon the First movie are some of the movies in my collection that I have watched more than once (even though This is England ain't mine) as a child I wasn't born with Teletubies or whatever and the only movie I can remember from it was the Dark Crystal. I don't think movies effect people in the long run consciously but in the long run we probably base some moral decisions in what 'the right thing is' on what you watched in a film - but not just films have this effect.
Music is important for me, it invokes emotions you can't really feel from anywhere else. I know that sounds sad, that I rely on music to give me some emotions but in a mind that confides you to a world of social order, and routines you need something to break you out of it? So, here are 4 songs I want you to listen to at full volume, I was gonna leave a little summary but that would be me being such an arse - just listen to them, follow them, and feel them. I'm such a fucking freak lol. 1. 2. 3. 4.
I'm very much into my tribal beats so you might even have your own preferences.
In class today I put my views across for the first time; how I feel as though we will move beyond democracy, capitalism, communism, neo-liberalism ideologies into something post-whatever - definitely not in our lifetime. I also learned that the Prime Minister really has no power, and it's not written down anywhere in document that they should be Prime Minister, or that they should be head of a Cabinet or that MPs should even exist, even in the Magna Carta written too long ago. I also gave the negative side of 'globalization' that it forces lesser developed countries to produce more exports and less domestic goods in big busy populated cities which reduces wages and maximizes profits. But we are bound by capitalism, democracy, party ideologies etc - I'm not a communist by the way, slightly socialist but not to a great deal where I'll protest. I don't know where I fit.