Sunday, 10 October 2010
Got a BMX, my room is looking fit these days and I can hear my lighter in the washing machine.
We have the QWERTY keyboards because of typewriters. It as specifically designed to slow you down from typing in those days. ABCDE was seen as too easy, and the vowels too close - before it was even in production - typewriters 'would have crashed'. QWERTY is seen as illogical and erratic and technology is moving beyond keyboard, will QWERTY survive?
Probably, "Human computer interface research has shown recently that people actually like to think and type, not think and speak. When people are given the option to speak they have a much harder time organising their thoughts," - Dan Dixon.
However in a 1000 years we probably won't even be physical entities any more, just stuck on a CD living out themes with scenarios, senses, myths, families etc pretty much just like now, except aware of it. Or not?
I didn't know what else to write because apart from going out a lot nothing has really happened apart from going back to uni, I need a hobby. Hope you're good!

Sunday, 26 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
She's a monster, a beautiful monsterrrr - and I don't mind.
I've come to realise I'm a bit of a drifter socially, not the kinda guy to stick to just one group of friends. I've had the same friends for years - 8 years in one case, so I'm pretty happy drifting as I love them loads and know them well, a bit bohemian.
Me being gay is the current trend atm, people keep asking questions bout it like who do I go for, what's it like. It's fun, I can be taboo about it - and everyone needs a bit of that. But it's over-rated. It's like when you say a word so many times it begins to lose meaning - say bread in your head for 2 minutes. So I'm like 'Am I gay?', 'What does it mean?' - well I'd like to think I wasn't gay, just living, but I'm deffo not into lady parts - I dunno if I couldn't fall in love with a woman, separating the mental from the physical. Nor do I care that much. And at the moment I'm just drifting through guys, I don't really have the time or heart.
Errmm after a near giving up experience I still smoke, passed my resit exam, settled into our new house and got a cat. Work are beginning to suspect I have an addiction to Sprite. Read someone else's blog and didn't like it and I expect to be drunk at least 2 times a week until Christmas where the money gets spent on presents :).
Nothing too intense in this post. Cba - just want pizza and coke but wanted to express myself in here because I just got my hair cut and now chilling out till I go on the lash.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Un-posted blogs...
Okay so a prime example would be this.
People who take themselves too seriously, the system as objective and presume you need to be within education to be 'smart'
Spontaneous writing:
Alphabet Beat Card Deaf 'Effegram' Fuck Grave High Indigo Joker Killer Love Monster Nice Opiate People Queen Restraint Sex Tough Universal Vice Wanker 'Xamine' You Zebra
Random Short Story:
Three passwords led to the kindgom of darkness, beyond the wasteland. She looked at the Ocra, a big giant gray Griffin and bowed in respect as he acknowledges her ignorance. He flew off in the opposite direction. She tood up and began her path.
Very briefly. After watching the catchy advert for Ben and Jerry's
Fair trade is not free trade. Fair trade is is simply 'giving a better deal to the farmers in 2nd and 3rd world countries.' It still acts within protectionism which means that the State's still have tariffs on imported goods coming into their country. This contrasts with free trade which is the removal of boundaries and promotes a more universal world through free trading and workers.
So fair trade is the friendly face of trade, legitimating the rich getting richer. Fair trade food is more expensive, so the profit is not subject to the minor increase wages which would probably only raise their standard of living to - barely adequate. Whereas the Elite countries enjoy a free trade system to tighten their relations and capitalise freely on what we buy from other States.
Also typically the 3rd and 2nd world Governments don't enforce this exchange, there is no minimum wage, civil rights, or human rights acts like in Britain.
Summer time!
Time to stop putting structures and theories into motion,
Stop complaining about things that don't really matter, but do but no-one says it.
Take every day as it comes
Time to drop some acid and sit on a carousel in the middle of a park filled with flowers and homos.
Imagine having one less leg. You weren't ran over, or chainsaw massacured, it just so happened that the universes intentions were that you lacked a leg. Left or right this aint about politics. Either way you grew up with one leg. Kids at school used to ask why you lacked a leg, you dunno. Some of them used to point and laugh or trip you up but that didn't really hurt, you knew what to expect so you rose above it. As you grew older you saw that provisions were made, you are defined as the one with one leg, it's one of the first things that pops into people's minds when they see you. Presume that it is very obvious to everyone that you are missing a leg, even strangers. Even if you think you've hidden it, in your mind you're aware that they may or may not know. You know that people with two legs don't think that, why would they, they can feel and see that they do as can everyone else, and everyone is so used to seeing people with 2 legs that it would be un-natural to say 'oh you ahe two legs' unless they lived their lives with only seeing few, it's still more accepted than seeing somone with 3 legs.
Take this out a little bit, imagine you had some sort of physical deficiency that you and others were very aware of. It's not socially acceptable to laugh at it, but you prefer to make a joke than to sit in dismay. Some people might think 'well I don't judge a book by it's cover' but you do, that's why we have senses and emotions. To view things and determine. Intelect and diversity is what has made physical differences more accepted. Although some people will be very intellegent and have met many kinds of humans and still judge in an oposing manor to the national consensus of what is acceptable and what isn't. That's no-one's problem, just a fact of life. I argue that those without legs see the wider picture of society in it's colours than those that fit into a typical order.
*writer's block*
Imagine we all live our lives with our own individual veil of perception. The way you do and react to things and people is determined by your experiences or lack of. No consensus on
You don't need fresh air where we are going,
This grass is cleaner, and more colourful than any green from your place
There is no state;
No love no hate;
No destiny no fate;
We just exist, mate.
The clock clicks;
Click clock, click, clock,
We don't see time
The stars, the ocean, the grass, the sun;
Only they have all the fun;
We sit, we sleep, we shit, we weep;
The sun warms up the ocean as they laugh at our heap.
Saturday, 14 August 2010
connected to the interdweeb
must listen while reading
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Got our cat. Internet. Life sorted, apart from rent :|.
Right now I'm listening to Royksopp while the sun blares in my face and the rainbow maker is at it's element.
I've been drawing in this average Summer days to kill time because I'm so poor;
I've only been out a handful of times since everyone's away. But the last time I went out I was so menched I stared at a mirror for ages thinking I was being looked at, walked home alone yet woke up with someone.
I've been having some amazingly vivid dreams lately. I've almost quit smoking. And I still hate everything secretly.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
not enough to kill you but enough to make you think.
There are only certain things you can hear now,
random fidgets your body makes,
your breath which you have to focus on now that your chest is tight,
and your heart beat.
No TV or dripping tap that you couldn't be arsed to turn off after a shave.
No akward sounds from outside that are peaceful sometimes, not now though.
No phone, or Facebook.
No naggy family that ask if you've eaten, if you've eaten, if you've eaten.
As much as I love them for the life of me I'm full.
You have one of those moments like in Simpsons the movie when Homer can't have a epiphany and you feel like a tit. You give up, you give up, you give up, then whatever.
You pull your head out of the water,
turn that tap off, towel dry and get dressed, change the channel because you are no longer interested in what you were watching and life continues.

Saturday, 12 June 2010
previously on Arrested Development
The Legionary Squad 76 page X-men style story.
The Life I Lead 93 paged story on a rich boy rejecting his life.
The Egyptianites 1 chapter unfinished. About an evil god from 2500bc and the Earth's potential saviour.
A poem about Mother Nature Short poem about pollution.
Your concious is not your friend. Short poem about one boys disconnection with the world.
Monday, 31 May 2010
We have our own memory from our own lives, we hear stories of previous or present family tales maybe through documents, traditions or word of mouth. This simple fact can be taken outwards to groups of people, their history etc, then villages, towns and cities.
History is a timeline, most memorable acts of history have been linked to the state;
WW1, WW2, Cold War, the independence of the British Empire, Rosa Parks, Apollo, Martin Luther King and Gandhi, 9/11. They all in some way are linked to the Government, when most people think history they think of these events straight away. In America and Britain anyway. The media is their word of mouth, and documents. The history of events, quite general I know other factors are involved such as colonialism and economic determinism but they are directly linked to the state which is the history I am focussing on.
History is societies way of saying 'yeah I remember [learning about it]' to a stranger and also bonds it together.
The Internet comes along, research paid for by the American people believing they were investing against Communism during the Cold War period. Individual opinions, books and thoughts published universally and freely across the internet.
Don't run before you can walk, I'm not saying people didn't have individual minds, books and other publications before the internet I'm saying it contributed to about 99% of it's expansion of readers/listeners. And theoretically the Government itself is an individual entity publishing it's thoughts and opinions they may have secrets but we aren't ruled by anonymous.
So Internet has brought us to question history, where we are now, our individual beliefs and thoughts. It has also brought people and knowledge together we wouldn't have since known. The act of the Internet is physically time consuming and individualized to one person per Internet access mostly.
More theories and motives become in the public domain dividing people from collective opinions, showing people different sides of augments etc you get the drift. The freedom of information has caused the individual to become more flexible in thoughts and ideas - that is the Internet's legacy. But why would those in power want a society with loads of different ideas and stuff?
I don't know. We look at all these conspiracy theories and we are given facts and interviews but the human mind will believe what it wants to believe and unless you literally haven't found that fact out yourself it could just be made up and put into the public domain as an act against the Government.
To evade another fascist/communist society? If society is diffused it is less likely to unite for a higher motive. But in turn more likely to remain where it is, and we all have different views of the State we live in, kidna proving my point, though I know different strands of society unite against certain things, and that has always happened. So maybe the Internet has been used to distract us from bigger issues which have never been heard or told outside the class struggle etc. Another tool to suppress? Maybe wars, the Government, religion, monarchy, anything in power and in relative history are tools to evade us from real truths, test subjects almost, and history is a tool used to defend our existence as it is, by looking at the past and distracting us from outside it into maybe a world we don't know about. NWO and the Illuminati used to give us the perception of an alternative within their wishes and yet not a real view of what's going on. Aliens? NWO? 13 family dynasty? Maybe I myself have just been brought up in a way to support the capatalist system to say such crazy things and confuse you from the class struggle?
Who knows I cba to think about it for too long, maybe I've had too much fluoride I don't care.
If bits aren't clear email me and I'll clarify on here and via email;
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Friday, 30 April 2010
What's the point in voting and who should I vote for?
I really boils my piss when people say;
'Oh it's only one vote it wont make a difference.'
one less vote is to the advantage of extremist parties.
Well extremist parties are called extreme for a reason.
Some want to get rid of McDonald's and make everyone earn the same as each other, change the complete system of which we live under. Others encourage you to be the bully. Extreme parties often ask for a revolution or strong reforms which means that your lifestyle would be affected, after all - Hitler didn't get to power because of a revolution, he was voted in - and take a moment to seriously look at the consequences. It CAN possibly be done again, in Britain that's the truth.
'But I can think for myself.'
This is a stupid notion. Sure you can think for yourself, but if you didn't like what the Gov was doing would you protest? Because only social activism brings social change, thoughts and word of much won't change diddly, especially when the media would be under their control - ignoring many interests and importing their own.
'Maybe I will'
Did you when we went to war, or let our money pay for the bankers mistakes? These could have been changed with enough protesters.
'But it's just one vote, you're an idiot for thinking you'll make a difference.'
You're own selfish self-interested lazy lifestyle is telling you to just cop out, think realistically for a moment, even do your research. I am telling you that your vote, especially in this election counts. It takes around 10 minutes to vote, and your vote is one less opportunity for extremism to gain the advantage. If you like our life's now then vote for the same, don't just ignore it, if you want a change then look around a list of the parties is here. If everyone decided that voting was ridiculous then no-one would vote, but voting is universal, and if people from all sorts of backgrounds and lifestyles such as the super intelligent to the poorest of poor vote then clearly we all must have a token card, worth the same as eachother's, to decide our governments future.
'But who do I vote for?'
I don't know what your concerns are, but if you aren't that bothered I suggest you look at these 3 and decide;
I say these 3 because although they have different ways of dealing with certain things their priorities are similar and they are the top 3 in power and so to vote even just for the sake of it is keeping our lifestyles similar.
I'm not going to bog you down with ideological and theoretical bullshit, I'm just informing you that not voting counts as well as voting. So you might as well as vote for a party you agree with to keep the one's you don't out. It counts because of the First Past the Post system we live under, find your own opinion on that issue.
I'm not after the glorification of posting something like this, take this info in that I have posted or look elsewhere I don't really care as long as you take the importance of voting into your system. If you don't then continue to live your life, and when suddenly something drastic changes in politics that you don't like - ask yourself what you could have done to prevent it, even if it's the 'None of the above' option being seen in party form across the country.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
mental health day
I didn't want to talk to anyone so I didn't take my phone.
This isn't an infringement on my friends because I love my friends,
just a mental health day where you need some self loving outside the bed-room.
Nothing really caused today, nothing in particular, just an unwinding day that I wanted and can do.
I started by spending £20 in Boots, proving that it is possible. Then too much in Topman, but these jeans and t-shirts are hot. Then I bought a sketchbook, a sharpiner, a 2B, B and HB pencils.
Then I wondered down into Salford, got slightly lost had to cross the motor way to get to the riverside. Got there started walking and a duck started hissing at me, so I gate it my £3 pound salmon dinner that it didn't even want but it was enough to distract it so I could make my heroic getaway.
So I kept walking, sat down for a little bit and doodled in my new sketchbook, the drawing just really an outline that I'm going to add surealist art too. Then people kept walking past looking at my masterpiece and I thought what on earth they must be thinking when they look at it. I can't draw btw. I wanted to listen to Moby but I realised I'd forgotten my headphones.
So I stayed there for a wee while then went back into town a route I hadn't taken or recognised before, I wouldn't know what to do had I got lost, with no phone, and no numbers of the top of my head apart from 999 and 911 and 2010.
I eventually found my little way passing my best mate and his girlfriends house and noticing that homeless guy who is always there. He once said to me 'do you like the way you look at me' I thought, no, but I'm horiffically glad not to be in your shoes. So I thought, fuck it I can afford it, and I turned around walked up to him and gave him a tenner. He gave me the general ohh thank you reply, as if it didn't matter whether it was 1p or a house, he was in need and he knew it, and he's used to it. It felt horrible but good, the rush wasn't worth it but I'm not here to proclaim I'm a helpful selfless person becasue I'm not, I just gave him it without realisation almost. Then I walked up oxford road and got some food after walking out of the queue of McDonalds, thinking 'I'm going to help the little people' even though I walked into Starbucks. Then I walked up the street and saw a guy pick cigarette buds off the ground, he wore his hood up, I wanted to say 'it's not a crime dude you don't have to give the police a target' then I walked past him and sparked up, I sort of knew he would ask, so I agve him a Marlboro Red. This again isn't helping because again I could afford to so I did, and tbh smoking kills. had I been poor and given him one then maybe I would have felt better about myself. But this isn't an issue of myself, even though it's sort of selfish, I don't really care.
Got home planned my night, and got offered a trial shift in a bar next week. I like to think that was karma, not for the deeds of today (becasue we established they weren't good or bad) but for the day before when me and Kiera may have well been pitchforked. Also for the other day when I hopped a railing hungover and fell flat on my face on Oxford Road, luckily I'm smooth and post-modern liek that I can get away with it. Hahahah can I fuck.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
minor influence
The mass as a population are however, unoriginal, uninspiring, and idle. They threw out Byronn because he was too wild, Oscar Wilde had to hide because he was gay, Emily Davison died because the men wouldn't take her ideas seriously and who knew is Shakespeare wasn't a woman?
We have seen throughout history the mass submiss itself to minorities. Whether they be tricked through witchcraft, religion, science or politics, the mass obey someone. This 'uniform' as you gracously put it does limit individualism and originality. However your criticism is a dangerious one. To take your definitions into an image, imagine a classroom of students with a teacher. The teacher teaches what needs to be taught for the exam, this exam is moderated by the government. The teacher teaches in a way that benefits them, a way that saves time and maxamises knowledge for the students. The language they use will be biased towards whichever state they live in, such as terrorists in Western socitety as opposed to freedom fighters, much like the media sway and manipulate information. This then reporoduces some sort of underlying consensus that Kipper the dog earned to go to the park for being such a good dog. The kids get gold stars for being good submissive dumb listeners. This continues throghout life, be good, be smart, be system-ised, be rewarded. When in reality its the intellectuals, the scientists, the activists and other minorities that have pushed for diversity, equality and individualism, intuition and change. This is exactly why we have the ruling class ruling the workers. Because the workers sit at the laps of the ruling class and the ruling class know it. I agree politicians manipulate people by portraying the working class as the underdogs, the 'poor' and the 'abused', they take our tax money and spend it on protecting countries we've never been to, we complain sure, but if it's in the ruling classess interest then they will not send the troops home. Everyone IS a socialist these days, they look at the enemies of the past and try to prevent it, even they admit that private property florishes through the willingness of the mass, the mass will do what they are told whether it's in their long-term interest or not, you will never have total strike in favour of abstract ideas, just the need for a change, that makes you a preditor of the people. They believe in the rule of the mass, and demand absolute power to the few to achieve their solemn aim of equality and freedom from oppression. I don't want to be ruled by the uneducated, monotomous, uninspiring mass. I don't want to be ruled by the rich because they are rich. I want to be ruled by comittees that know what they are talking about in the interest of 61,399,118 people who looked in the mirror and didn't feel oppression under whatever type of rule or non-rule. Personally I only feel oppressed when you say it.
In recognision of Emma Goldman
Monday, 29 March 2010
totally pc
I thought of a story I'm gonna write over the summer if I can be arse. It's about how really rich people buy the average person and shape their lives and play complex games and it's all very subliminal and twisted, but I haven't thought of how etc just the idea that advertising shaped people's decision makings but going that one step further.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
So what have I done in this blog? Poetry, questioning things and supplying nice pictures. However I haven't really achieved anything other than self belief that I'm a bit bizzare at times, I don't own much materialistically compared to Bill Gates, thought I haven't invented anything except dance moves and new drug combinations. Haven't morally achieved anything, like survived cancer or shit like that. I have achieved a few life-long friends, but they already know this. I've achieved a broad overview of different social circumstances, but I'm sure a lot of people have. Blah blah blah I wanna do something great. I don't care about the credit for doing it, I don't really care about the circumstances of how it's done; to know that you helped or created something amazing. I wont be curing cancer or at the picket-line of a pointless need for revolution, maybe I'll write a book, or represent an iconic thing. I think I have it in me. Or maybe I'll just doss my life and become some shitty memory where I achieved no greater good outside my immediate connections. I don't get why people stick to one minded thinking such as Marxism, no real self ideal just sort of following, pretending to lead, and following again. This is your life, write your own socialist book bitch. Not even science is objectionable knowledge. Variety is the spice of life and all that bullshit.
PC arrives on Monday, thank god :], Easters nearly among us like a rampant rabbit in some sort of horny rage, time flies too quick but life's pretty good. Bit of a shit post but I aint Plato!
Saturday, 6 March 2010
there is no fixed state
no love no hate;
no destiny no fate;
stop being so au fait.
Sylvia said it best;
you're not the living;
you're the rest.
Time clicks by and you don't even see it;
I'm no fancy poet;
I'm the first to admit.
But look at the starts, the sea and the sun;
Their everlasting metaphors have all the fun;
we sit, we sleep, we shit, we weep;
the sun warms the water as they laugh at our heap.
'They don't know what they're missing' said the star from way up high;
you can write, you can sing, you can criticize, you can sigh;
but to answer this statement we can only say 'aye'.
We adore the birds, so free in the sky;
But I hate heights so I don't care if they die;
The elephants roam free in the African wild;
While we encage and suppress our stupid child;
Anthromorphology is not for me;
no metaphor or poem will describe what I can't see;
so take with this poem no enlightened soul;
and continue your life as a darkened blind mole;
Speeches don't speak a thousands stories;
just full stops, half-ryhms and intentional pauses;
let us die with shame as we fail on our two feet;
this is what they want;
you never left the teet.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
day whatever
Valentines was OK, got the transformer out and about in Leeds dropping it down the gaps of the floor where those big metal birds are in the city center.
University is alright, averaging 2:1's, got 59% on an essay the class never got any aid with 'how good is liberalism?' that's like asking a teenager how good McDonalds is, where exactly are we meant to start? Got an essay in for Monday on climate change, maybe I should start soon. Had a joint birthday party last night, was ace went to bed at 8am.
My friend said before the party; 'you ask a white child what colour their skin is they look at it and say 'pinky' and look at other kids skin colour and say 'brown', 'dark', 'pinky' not you ask the same person later in life and they say 'white'. Just an observation someone made, not a critique of colour of people's skin.
Money is tight, I have no laptop, almost no iPod - but life is good :)
Disabled people - in some way you are under-developed maybe mentally or physically, are you disabled if you are over-developed? Still disabled and put down in 'society'. Bit of a potentious statement I know, but this is my blog fuckers. Don't really know what else to say to be honest - take care?
funny youtube
Sunday, 7 February 2010
That was a week ago Today, and I've had a pretty good time since.
Went touring the other day and found places like this:
Click the picture to see more.
I seemed to have quadrupled my free time, and also found some sanity...let's see how long that lasts.
I'm constantly charging my phone and ipod touch however and fuck knows what I'm going to do for essays and I've developed an interest into the real gay rights movement, the real progression of civil rights for people who look like everyone else. Though I am highly critical of other people's motives, such as just looking for a pull, and the need to link profit with the basic need of equality. Suppose it all comes down to positive and negative equality. Also I went to a gay club the other day and 90% of the boys were fake tanned, fashioned, camp, wine drinking typical gays - I went there a few weeks earlier and everyone was down to Earth, whatever wearing, whatever drinking, snorting, real people. Oh well ey the mono-dimension of being a gay man spreads.
I've been hearing a lot about this upcoming election. I reckon the Tory Party will get in, and if the Labour Party win it would be a hung election, unless the Liberals create a coalition with the Labour Party we will probably have to have another election not long after. It would be easier to talk about who will win the election and not why does the system always create bad Governments and how can we make a more fair type of system other than representative democracy. I'm not really calling for a revolution because you can change the system through reform, much like the Liberals notion of scrapping the House of Lords. The HoL is basically fat bureaucrats that have an influence on our daily lives even if they have never seen poverty, death or slums of Britain. But they also keep some sort of fairness in decision making so they aren't completely pointless.
Got a house for next year too living with 3 of my Manchester mates in a wee part of Manchester called Victoria Park - the kitchen is linked to the living room! And I picked the bedroom on the ground floor so I could get cheaper rent to fund the cat I'll be getting...or house rabbit...
I have 51p in my bank account, and I'm going to Leeds on Valentine's Day - this will be fun haha
Friday, 29 January 2010
"We live like McDonalds, the system isn't good for us, it promotes monopolization and gives us indigestion. It gives us some good nutrients but is essentially bad for us. But day in day out people don't care, it's there - it's not immediately harmful and sometimes you just need a double cheese burger."
These posts have been a load of shit for a while haha, I just have bigger issues that I can't be arsed to write about but need to work though and blah blah blah
Sunday, 17 January 2010
I realized I like writing because nothing ever makes sense when I talk haha
P.S. and the song (at the time of posting) isn't meant to brainwash you, I was just listening to it at the time haha - Munich
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Someone told me that Facebook, MySpace, PS3, XBox, fictional TV series etc were just ways to allude the mass into a false state of consciousness where they exist as existing entities and die unmoved living merely as a barcode and not actually achieving anything academically, emotionally or willingly- sometimes people don't care though, a good game is fun to play whether it be real or not.
This post isn't worth posting but here it is.
Sunday, 3 January 2010
I watched Donny Darko for the first time just there - my take on it was that it was either a dream, or he completed time travel.
Made me think of the issue of power and who has it. Coming from a slightly different angle of theory I agree with Foucault that power IS everywhere, cocacola has power over rolla colla and teachers have power over pupils. He said that truths are power, but I disagree. I believe truths are subjective. I don't mean truths as in left is left, I mean ethics and morality. A persons mind is mainly molded by what they experience and are taught. If a person is only taught to murder then that is there ultimate truth and their maximum ethic yet the morality is out of their hands and into a more collective view that murder is wrong. So really what I have to conclude is that morality is not power or a truth unless challenged by something with less significance. Living in the world that we do today - morality is challenged every day by every one. If morality is collective then ethically we could all be living in Persian fur so long as we could have all afford it and saw nothing wrong with it back in the day. Because if no-one criticized it then there is no issue. Hello democracy.
In saying that, we got our morals from Disney and our parents whereas other countries don't raise children with parents or Disney so there might always be a challenge to ways of living so long as there are alternatives. Though not everyone in this country was born with Disney or a family. Some were but rejected both. This intercomplexety is confusing for me at 7am so to simplify; if we had the same morals built into us at birth why are there random crimes of hate against strangers for no known purpose? It's not answerable. Everything has purpose so we can only assume that everyone is different. And this massive push for individualism in the 21st Century is exactly why we are seeing a diffusion in politics, and everything around us. It's OK to be yourself.
Back to this net of power that has everything in it. Baudrillard said power only exists so long as there is something disrupting something else. The Sun has power over the Earth. But also linguistics. The way you say things can show power - even if they aren't truths. But due to each persons idiosyncrasy most things that aren't absolutes are interpreted differently as we didn't all watch the Lion King at the exact same time, you're individual life has shaped everything around you. Even if you are multi-dimensional, you don't perceive the same knowledge as the next person. (Absolutes are fundamentals such as 1+1=2)
Essentially what I've written here might make no sense to you, but it does to me, and if it made sense then maybe we have a different interpretation on it.
Either way we were both brought up into a Western, Capatalist, 'democratic', one party ruled nation amongst other things so we would have similar interpretations like separate pieces of blue tack walking along pavements picking up different bits - maybe.