Okay so a prime example would be this.
People who take themselves too seriously, the system as objective and presume you need to be within education to be 'smart'
Spontaneous writing:
Alphabet Beat Card Deaf 'Effegram' Fuck Grave High Indigo Joker Killer Love Monster Nice Opiate People Queen Restraint Sex Tough Universal Vice Wanker 'Xamine' You Zebra
Random Short Story:
Three passwords led to the kindgom of darkness, beyond the wasteland. She looked at the Ocra, a big giant gray Griffin and bowed in respect as he acknowledges her ignorance. He flew off in the opposite direction. She tood up and began her path.
Very briefly. After watching the catchy advert for Ben and Jerry's
Fair trade is not free trade. Fair trade is is simply 'giving a better deal to the farmers in 2nd and 3rd world countries.' It still acts within protectionism which means that the State's still have tariffs on imported goods coming into their country. This contrasts with free trade which is the removal of boundaries and promotes a more universal world through free trading and workers.
So fair trade is the friendly face of trade, legitimating the rich getting richer. Fair trade food is more expensive, so the profit is not subject to the minor increase wages which would probably only raise their standard of living to - barely adequate. Whereas the Elite countries enjoy a free trade system to tighten their relations and capitalise freely on what we buy from other States.
Also typically the 3rd and 2nd world Governments don't enforce this exchange, there is no minimum wage, civil rights, or human rights acts like in Britain.
Summer time!
Time to stop putting structures and theories into motion,
Stop complaining about things that don't really matter, but do but no-one says it.
Take every day as it comes
Time to drop some acid and sit on a carousel in the middle of a park filled with flowers and homos.
Imagine having one less leg. You weren't ran over, or chainsaw massacured, it just so happened that the universes intentions were that you lacked a leg. Left or right this aint about politics. Either way you grew up with one leg. Kids at school used to ask why you lacked a leg, you dunno. Some of them used to point and laugh or trip you up but that didn't really hurt, you knew what to expect so you rose above it. As you grew older you saw that provisions were made, you are defined as the one with one leg, it's one of the first things that pops into people's minds when they see you. Presume that it is very obvious to everyone that you are missing a leg, even strangers. Even if you think you've hidden it, in your mind you're aware that they may or may not know. You know that people with two legs don't think that, why would they, they can feel and see that they do as can everyone else, and everyone is so used to seeing people with 2 legs that it would be un-natural to say 'oh you ahe two legs' unless they lived their lives with only seeing few, it's still more accepted than seeing somone with 3 legs.
Take this out a little bit, imagine you had some sort of physical deficiency that you and others were very aware of. It's not socially acceptable to laugh at it, but you prefer to make a joke than to sit in dismay. Some people might think 'well I don't judge a book by it's cover' but you do, that's why we have senses and emotions. To view things and determine. Intelect and diversity is what has made physical differences more accepted. Although some people will be very intellegent and have met many kinds of humans and still judge in an oposing manor to the national consensus of what is acceptable and what isn't. That's no-one's problem, just a fact of life. I argue that those without legs see the wider picture of society in it's colours than those that fit into a typical order.
*writer's block*
Imagine we all live our lives with our own individual veil of perception. The way you do and react to things and people is determined by your experiences or lack of. No consensus on
You don't need fresh air where we are going,
This grass is cleaner, and more colourful than any green from your place
There is no state;
No love no hate;
No destiny no fate;
We just exist, mate.
The clock clicks;
Click clock, click, clock,
We don't see time
The stars, the ocean, the grass, the sun;
Only they have all the fun;
We sit, we sleep, we shit, we weep;
The sun warms up the ocean as they laugh at our heap.