Don't say anything you would'nt sign your name to.

Friday, 30 April 2010

What's the point in voting and who should I vote for?

In a nutshell Plato argued that voting is the only form of political activism the majority ever do, so why not get involved?
I really boils my piss when people say;

'Oh it's only one vote it wont make a difference.'
one less vote is to the advantage of extremist parties.

Well extremist parties are called extreme for a reason.
Some want to get rid of McDonald's and make everyone earn the same as each other, change the complete system of which we live under. Others encourage you to be the bully. Extreme parties often ask for a revolution or strong reforms which means that your lifestyle would be affected, after all - Hitler didn't get to power because of a revolution, he was voted in - and take a moment to seriously look at the consequences. It CAN possibly be done again, in Britain that's the truth.

'But I can think for myself.'
This is a stupid notion. Sure you can think for yourself, but if you didn't like what the Gov was doing would you protest? Because only social activism brings social change, thoughts and word of much won't change diddly, especially when the media would be under their control - ignoring many interests and importing their own.

'Maybe I will'
Did you when we went to war, or let our money pay for the bankers mistakes? These could have been changed with enough protesters.

'But it's just one vote, you're an idiot for thinking you'll make a difference.'
You're own selfish self-interested lazy lifestyle is telling you to just cop out, think realistically for a moment, even do your research. I am telling you that your vote, especially in this election counts. It takes around 10 minutes to vote, and your vote is one less opportunity for extremism to gain the advantage. If you like our life's now then vote for the same, don't just ignore it, if you want a change then look around a list of the parties is here. If everyone decided that voting was ridiculous then no-one would vote, but voting is universal, and if people from all sorts of backgrounds and lifestyles such as the super intelligent to the poorest of poor vote then clearly we all must have a token card, worth the same as eachother's, to decide our governments future.

'But who do I vote for?'
I don't know what your concerns are, but if you aren't that bothered I suggest you look at these 3 and decide;

I say these 3 because although they have different ways of dealing with certain things their priorities are similar and they are the top 3 in power and so to vote even just for the sake of it is keeping our lifestyles similar.

I'm not going to bog you down with ideological and theoretical bullshit, I'm just informing you that not voting counts as well as voting. So you might as well as vote for a party you agree with to keep the one's you don't out. It counts because of the First Past the Post system we live under, find your own opinion on that issue.

I'm not after the glorification of posting something like this, take this info in that I have posted or look elsewhere I don't really care as long as you take the importance of voting into your system. If you don't then continue to live your life, and when suddenly something drastic changes in politics that you don't like - ask yourself what you could have done to prevent it, even if it's the 'None of the above' option being seen in party form across the country.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

mental health day

I had one of those days where everything was about me,
I didn't want to talk to anyone so I didn't take my phone.

This isn't an infringement on my friends because I love my friends,
just a mental health day where you need some self loving outside the bed-room.

Nothing really caused today, nothing in particular, just an unwinding day that I wanted and can do.

I started by spending £20 in Boots, proving that it is possible. Then too much in Topman, but these jeans and t-shirts are hot. Then I bought a sketchbook, a sharpiner, a 2B, B and HB pencils.

Then I wondered down into Salford, got slightly lost had to cross the motor way to get to the riverside. Got there started walking and a duck started hissing at me, so I gate it my £3 pound salmon dinner that it didn't even want but it was enough to distract it so I could make my heroic getaway.
So I kept walking, sat down for a little bit and doodled in my new sketchbook, the drawing just really an outline that I'm going to add surealist art too. Then people kept walking past looking at my masterpiece and I thought what on earth they must be thinking when they look at it. I can't draw btw. I wanted to listen to Moby but I realised I'd forgotten my headphones.

So I stayed there for a wee while then went back into town a route I hadn't taken or recognised before, I wouldn't know what to do had I got lost, with no phone, and no numbers of the top of my head apart from 999 and 911 and 2010.

I eventually found my little way passing my best mate and his girlfriends house and noticing that homeless guy who is always there. He once said to me 'do you like the way you look at me' I thought, no, but I'm horiffically glad not to be in your shoes. So I thought, fuck it I can afford it, and I turned around walked up to him and gave him a tenner. He gave me the general ohh thank you reply, as if it didn't matter whether it was 1p or a house, he was in need and he knew it, and he's used to it. It felt horrible but good, the rush wasn't worth it but I'm not here to proclaim I'm a helpful selfless person becasue I'm not, I just gave him it without realisation almost. Then I walked up oxford road and got some food after walking out of the queue of McDonalds, thinking 'I'm going to help the little people' even though I walked into Starbucks. Then I walked up the street and saw a guy pick cigarette buds off the ground, he wore his hood up, I wanted to say 'it's not a crime dude you don't have to give the police a target' then I walked past him and sparked up, I sort of knew he would ask, so I agve him a Marlboro Red. This again isn't helping because again I could afford to so I did, and tbh smoking kills. had I been poor and given him one then maybe I would have felt better about myself. But this isn't an issue of myself, even though it's sort of selfish, I don't really care.

Got home planned my night, and got offered a trial shift in a bar next week. I like to think that was karma, not for the deeds of today (becasue we established they weren't good or bad) but for the day before when me and Kiera may have well been pitchforked. Also for the other day when I hopped a railing hungover and fell flat on my face on Oxford Road, luckily I'm smooth and post-modern liek that I can get away with it. Hahahah can I fuck.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

minor influence

I agree that production has been transformed from quality to quantity. How many cheap McDonalds meals can be shipped out to maxamise profits? However my argument against is this; if machienes perfected the perfect MacDonalds burger at a fast pace this would be 'perfection' and quanitity. I agree that fast food is cheaply made, but that's not my arguement. It would still be self-evident and unobjectionable that this McDonalds burger has been made at it's maximum capacity, very quickly. To flip this argument, a product made slowly and of poor quality would probably only be bought if the specific individual had no alternative. And a high quality product mass produced would flunk in certain areas due to poverty. Which brings us to the conclusion that it depends on the ideo-social lifestyle of specific people not off the mass. To ocunter argue, there will always be ways to make better burgers.

The mass as a population are however, unoriginal, uninspiring, and idle. They threw out Byronn because he was too wild, Oscar Wilde had to hide because he was gay, Emily Davison died because the men wouldn't take her ideas seriously and who knew is Shakespeare wasn't a woman?
We have seen throughout history the mass submiss itself to minorities. Whether they be tricked through witchcraft, religion, science or politics, the mass obey someone. This 'uniform' as you gracously put it does limit individualism and originality. However your criticism is a dangerious one. To take your definitions into an image, imagine a classroom of students with a teacher. The teacher teaches what needs to be taught for the exam, this exam is moderated by the government. The teacher teaches in a way that benefits them, a way that saves time and maxamises knowledge for the students. The language they use will be biased towards whichever state they live in, such as terrorists in Western socitety as opposed to freedom fighters, much like the media sway and manipulate information. This then reporoduces some sort of underlying consensus that Kipper the dog earned to go to the park for being such a good dog. The kids get gold stars for being good submissive dumb listeners. This continues throghout life, be good, be smart, be system-ised, be rewarded. When in reality its the intellectuals, the scientists, the activists and other minorities that have pushed for diversity, equality and individualism, intuition and change. This is exactly why we have the ruling class ruling the workers. Because the workers sit at the laps of the ruling class and the ruling class know it. I agree politicians manipulate people by portraying the working class as the underdogs, the 'poor' and the 'abused', they take our tax money and spend it on protecting countries we've never been to, we complain sure, but if it's in the ruling classess interest then they will not send the troops home. Everyone IS a socialist these days, they look at the enemies of the past and try to prevent it, even they admit that private property florishes through the willingness of the mass, the mass will do what they are told whether it's in their long-term interest or not, you will never have total strike in favour of abstract ideas, just the need for a change, that makes you a preditor of the people. They believe in the rule of the mass, and demand absolute power to the few to achieve their solemn aim of equality and freedom from oppression. I don't want to be ruled by the uneducated, monotomous, uninspiring mass. I don't want to be ruled by the rich because they are rich. I want to be ruled by comittees that know what they are talking about in the interest of 61,399,118 people who looked in the mirror and didn't feel oppression under whatever type of rule or non-rule. Personally I only feel oppressed when you say it.

In recognision of Emma Goldman